Eventon compatibility
Main features
EventOn Slider Addon come with 5 main slider types: clissic slider, mini slider, mini carousel and micro carousel. See the demos in the the top menu. In addition to this 5 main sliders there are also:
Carousel, mini and micro carousels slider variants are automatic or also manual, if container width is too small and can be showed only one item per time, it will show one item per time. If two, it will show two ...
Four types of open event's box: lightbox, dropdown, card, event link. All sliders and carousels work with all four types.
EventOn Slider Addon come with 2 design, the original one and a new design. The new design is thinked to be more elegant and modern.
Light skin and dark skin for a complete set of design, the two skins are available in both two designs.
This is a awesome feature. You can see some examples here: see advanced demo
The internal function is smart and understand the dates and times. It understand if is only one day, if there is a event
in the night that end on same night of day after, understand also if it must show only a time or a date with time or if a event start and end in same day, and many more.
A date format for every country in the world. The words like "time", "from", "to" are translatable.
All date formats have smart variants like:
Set your date range, the function use end date events to calculate the range:
This addon is build with great responsive functionality. It not only adjust width of contents but do many more:
This great slider give power to eventon addon. Some features are already inserted like animations and number of elements to slide at same time.
Many others can be easly implemented with some JQeury code, every slider have a dedicated FlexSlider JQuery initialization you will found it into php files of folder "includes"
Here all the option you can insert: FlexSlider Options
Official website: www.woothemes.com/flexslider/