You can install the plugin in two ways:
1. Download the zip file and in WordPress (WP) go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select file and install plugin.
2. Unzip the content of the zip file to wp-content/plugins directory and then on WP back-end "activate" the plugin.
Once the plugin is activated Go to Plugins > Installed plugins and you should be able to see "EventON Slider Addon" plugin installed.
You can access the admin area by Wordpress menu from: myEventOn > Slider Addon.
IMPORTANT: You must install EventON, buy here
Go to Slider Addon admin area and start to create all sliders you want, then only copy the shortcode and paste it where you want.
You can access the admin area by Wordpress menu from: myEventOn > Slider Addon.
For a list of all options see Shortcode values.
For use addons like RSVP and EVENT TICKET you need to install addon SINGLE EVENT ADDON.
You can buy it here:
After SINGLE EVENT ADDON installation and activation complited you can start to use your addons:
On EventOn Slider Addon admin page select Open event type : Original Lightbox or Original Dropdown
Also card support Original Lightbox and Dropdown.
Categories must be manually inserted in the shortcode and are the same of EventON plugin.
Main translations are the same of EventOn plugin and can be edited by go to myEventOn > Languages. Slider Addon translations can be edited by go to myEventOn > Slider addon > Settings. You can create up to 3 translations(+ english that is default language). Into the shortcode you will need to set the attribute lan="L1" (or L2, L3). If this attribute is not setted will be used the default language.
Events administration is a feature of EventOn plugin. You can add / delete / edit events. Go to Events wordpress menu item.
FlexSlider JQuery options
Every slider and carousel have his own php file, you can found it under folder 'includes' of plugin folder. Every file have a JQuery code to initialize the slider.
For example:
jQuery("#<?php echo $id; ?> .flexslider_event").flexslider({
controlNav: true,
directionNav: false,
controlsContainer: "#<?php echo $id; ?> #nav-box-s1",
animation: "<?php echo $animation; ?>",
start: function (slider) {
Here you can add the other FlexSlider options: see all options here
List of all shortcode values: