open eventshow map

Demo Light Mini Carousel Style B

[eventon_slider slider_type=’minicarousel’ lan=’L2′ orderby=’ASC’ date_out=’10’ date_in=’1 id=’microcarousel2′ mcar_row=’subtitle’ car_itemmargin=’2′ style=’b’ style_2=’b’]

[eventon_slider slider_type=’minicarousel’ lan=’L2′ orderby=’ASC’ date_out=’12’ date_in=’1 id=’microcarousel3′ mcar_row=’organizer’ car_itemmargin=’2′ mcar_image=’yes’ style=’b’ style_2=’b’]

With mini carousel you can show a huge number of events at same time, it is minimalist and simple for user, you can set if show images or not, you can set type of content of second row (location, subtitle, event organizer). If the numbers of events show at same time is set to AUTO, carousel autmatically will adjust the numbers of events showed at same time in relation of width of container / screen. You can see two responsive demos in this page.